Private.h File Reference

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#define XawMax(a, b)   ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define XawMin(a, b)   ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define XawAbs(a)   ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))
#define XawStackAlloc(size, stk_buffer)
#define XawStackFree(pointer, stk_buffer)
#define XtX(w)   (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.x)
#define XtY(w)   (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.y)
#define XtWidth(w)   (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.width)
#define XtHeight(w)   (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.height)
#define XtBorderWidth(w)   (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.border_width)
#define XAW_PRIV_VAR_PREFIX   '$'
#define XAWDL_CONVERT_ERROR   (XtPointer)-1


typedef Bool(* XawParseBooleanProc )(Widget, String, XEvent *, Bool *)
typedef _XawActionVarList XawActionVarList
typedef _XawActionResList XawActionResList
typedef _XawDL _XawDisplayList
typedef _XawDLClass XawDLClass
typedef _XawDLClass XawDisplayListClass
typedef void(* XawDisplayListProc )(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer, XEvent *, Region)
typedef void *(* XawDLArgsInitProc )(String, String *, Cardinal *, Screen *, Colormap, int)
typedef void *(* XawDLDataInitProc )(String, Screen *, Colormap, int)
typedef void(* XawDLArgsDestructor )(Display *, String, XtPointer, String *, Cardinal *)
typedef void(* XawDLDataDestructor )(Display *, String, XtPointer)
typedef _XawArgVal XawArgVal
typedef _XawParams XawParams
typedef _XawPixmap XawPixmap
typedef Bool(* XawPixmapLoader )(XawParams *, Screen *, Colormap, int, Pixmap *, Pixmap *, Dimension *, Dimension *)


Bool XawParseBoolean (Widget, String, XEvent *, Bool *)
Bool XawBooleanExpression (Widget, String, XEvent *)
void XawPrintActionErrorMsg (String, Widget, String *, Cardinal *)
XawActionResListXawGetActionResList (WidgetClass)
XawActionVarListXawGetActionVarList (Widget)
void XawSetValuesAction (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *)
void XawGetValuesAction (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *)
void XawDeclareAction (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *)
void XawCallProcAction (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *)
void XawRunDisplayList (Widget, _XawDisplayList *, XEvent *, Region)
void XawDisplayListInitialize (void)
_XawDisplayListXawCreateDisplayList (String, Screen *, Colormap, int)
void XawDestroyDisplayList (_XawDisplayList *)
String XawDisplayListString (_XawDisplayList *)
XawDLClassXawGetDisplayListClass (String)
XawDLClassXawCreateDisplayListClass (String, XawDLArgsInitProc, XawDLArgsDestructor, XawDLDataInitProc, XawDLDataDestructor)
Bool XawDeclareDisplayListProc (XawDLClass *, String, XawDisplayListProc)
Bool XawPixmapsInitialize (void)
Bool XawAddPixmapLoader (String, String, XawPixmapLoader)
XawPixmapXawLoadPixmap (String, Screen *, Colormap, int)
XawPixmapXawPixmapFromXPixmap (Pixmap, Screen *, Colormap, int)
XawParamsXawParseParamsString (String name)
void XawFreeParamsStruct (XawParams *params)
XawArgValXawFindArgVal (XawParams *params, String name)
void XawReshapeWidget (Widget, XawPixmap *)
void XawTypeToStringWarning (Display *, String)
int _XawGetPageSize (void)

Define Documentation

#define XAW_PRIV_VAR_PREFIX   '$'

Definition at line 65 of file Private.h.

#define XawAbs  )     ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))

Definition at line 35 of file Private.h.

#define XAWDL_CONVERT_ERROR   (XtPointer)-1

Definition at line 87 of file Private.h.

#define XawMax a,
 )     ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

Definition at line 33 of file Private.h.

#define XawMin a,
 )     ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

Definition at line 34 of file Private.h.

#define XawStackAlloc size,
stk_buffer   ) 


((size) <= sizeof(stk_buffer)                   \
 ? (XtPointer)(stk_buffer)                      \
 : XtMalloc((unsigned)(size)))

Definition at line 37 of file Private.h.

#define XawStackFree pointer,
stk_buffer   ) 


do {                                            \
  if ((pointer) != (XtPointer)(stk_buffer))     \
    XtFree((char *)pointer);                    \
} while (0)

Definition at line 42 of file Private.h.

#define XtBorderWidth  )     (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.border_width)

Definition at line 61 of file Private.h.

#define XtHeight  )     (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.height)

Definition at line 58 of file Private.h.

Referenced by repaint_window(), and XawUnitStripChartResize().

#define XtWidth  )     (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.width)

Definition at line 55 of file Private.h.

Referenced by draw_it(), MoveChart(), repaint_window(), and XawUnitStripChartResize().

#define XtX  )     (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.x)

Definition at line 49 of file Private.h.

#define XtY  )     (((RectObj)w)->rectangle.y)

Definition at line 52 of file Private.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _XawDL _XawDisplayList

Definition at line 88 of file Private.h.

typedef struct _XawActionResList XawActionResList

Definition at line 70 of file Private.h.

typedef struct _XawActionVarList XawActionVarList

Definition at line 69 of file Private.h.

typedef struct _XawArgVal XawArgVal

typedef struct _XawDLClass XawDisplayListClass

Definition at line 89 of file Private.h.

typedef void(* XawDisplayListProc)(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer, XEvent *, Region)

Definition at line 91 of file Private.h.

typedef void(* XawDLArgsDestructor)(Display *, String, XtPointer, String *, Cardinal *)

Definition at line 97 of file Private.h.

typedef void*(* XawDLArgsInitProc)(String, String *, Cardinal *, Screen *, Colormap, int)

Definition at line 93 of file Private.h.

typedef struct _XawDLClass XawDLClass

Definition at line 89 of file Private.h.

typedef void(* XawDLDataDestructor)(Display *, String, XtPointer)

Definition at line 99 of file Private.h.

typedef void*(* XawDLDataInitProc)(String, Screen *, Colormap, int)

Definition at line 95 of file Private.h.

typedef struct _XawParams XawParams

typedef Bool(* XawParseBooleanProc)(Widget, String, XEvent *, Bool *)

Definition at line 67 of file Private.h.

typedef struct _XawPixmap XawPixmap

typedef Bool(* XawPixmapLoader)(XawParams *, Screen *, Colormap, int, Pixmap *, Pixmap *, Dimension *, Dimension *)

Definition at line 135 of file Private.h.

Function Documentation

int _XawGetPageSize void   ) 

Bool XawAddPixmapLoader String  ,
String  ,

Bool XawBooleanExpression Widget  ,
String  ,
XEvent * 

void XawCallProcAction Widget  ,
XEvent *  ,
String *  ,
Cardinal * 

_XawDisplayList* XawCreateDisplayList String  ,
Screen *  ,
Colormap  ,

XawDLClass* XawCreateDisplayListClass String  ,
XawDLArgsInitProc  ,
XawDLArgsDestructor  ,
XawDLDataInitProc  ,

void XawDeclareAction Widget  ,
XEvent *  ,
String *  ,
Cardinal * 

Bool XawDeclareDisplayListProc XawDLClass ,
String  ,

void XawDestroyDisplayList _XawDisplayList  ) 

void XawDisplayListInitialize void   ) 

String XawDisplayListString _XawDisplayList  ) 

XawArgVal* XawFindArgVal XawParams params,
String  name

void XawFreeParamsStruct XawParams params  ) 

XawActionResList* XawGetActionResList WidgetClass   ) 

XawActionVarList* XawGetActionVarList Widget   ) 

XawDLClass* XawGetDisplayListClass String   ) 

void XawGetValuesAction Widget  ,
XEvent *  ,
String *  ,
Cardinal * 

XawPixmap* XawLoadPixmap String  ,
Screen *  ,
Colormap  ,

Bool XawParseBoolean Widget  ,
String  ,
XEvent *  ,
Bool * 

XawParams* XawParseParamsString String  name  ) 

XawPixmap* XawPixmapFromXPixmap Pixmap  ,
Screen *  ,
Colormap  ,

Bool XawPixmapsInitialize void   ) 

void XawPrintActionErrorMsg String  ,
Widget  ,
String *  ,
Cardinal * 

void XawReshapeWidget Widget  ,

void XawRunDisplayList Widget  ,
_XawDisplayList ,
XEvent *  ,

void XawSetValuesAction Widget  ,
XEvent *  ,
String *  ,
Cardinal * 

void XawTypeToStringWarning Display *  ,

Generated on Mon May 8 16:47:55 2006 for xmonitors by  doxygen 1.4.2